THE JACKSON DAILY NEWS Jackson, Mississippi, U.S.A. 21 March 1912 (page 8)
One of the queerest magazines in the world is The Equinox, which is published in Paris and London twice a year, at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes. The spring number, to be issued today, will have a new editor, Mrs. Solomon Sturges [Mary d'Este-Sturges], the wife of a Chicago banker, who now resides in the French capital. She recently accepted the editorial post, in collaboration with the English poet Alister [sic] Crowley. Mrs. Sturges recently gained some notoriety through the attempt of a landlord to evict her from her residence, on the ground that she wore costumes that were too scanty. Mrs. Sturges is a convert of Raymond Duncan's Hellenistic sartorial creed, and wears only sandals and a Greek tunic held on her shoulders by a safety pin. |