London, England

20 July 1912

(Page 66)




From Messrs. Wieland & Co.—


Mortaldello; or, The Angel of Venice,” a Comedy, by Aleister Crowley. In our perusal of this new volume by a gifted poet we have often been reminded of the dramas written by John Webster and Cyril Tourneur, the Elizabethan play-wrights. The scene of Mr. Crowley’s five-act tragic-comedy is, as the title denotes, laid in Venice; and the incidents pretend to be from Venetian history. The poet in this, his “first serious attempt at a work of art,” has performed his task with rare rhythmical cunning, and in such scholarly fashion that the play will give intellectually pleasure to both students and readers of these subjects. The elegant form in which the book has been produced reflects credit upon the publishers.