London, England

30 November 1912

(page 356)







To the Editor of The Freemason.


Sir,—My name has been mentioned—I cannot imagine why—in connection with —— —— —— [a spurious Masonic body. —Editor]. I must confess to having received a letter from a member of this body, from which the following is a quotation:

“There is terrible and positive friction in our Lodge. Saturday night the P.M. and R.W.M. had a heated discussion for half an hour and held up my watch. We were half an hour late—both were livid with rage. P.M. (Female) attempted to boss R.W.M. (Male). P.M. is an Annie Besant esoterist; R.W.M. is not. I have got to let off steam even if I bore you. From the moment of taking office I put my foot down on the women dressing themselves in Lodge (we have two ante-rooms). On Saturday I had to go into the Lodge for a small book left on a chair in the West. I discovered the J.W. with a small mirror posed on the V.S.L. powdering her face over the altar,” etc., etc.

Now, Sir, do you think it likely that I should be party to a movement in which such occurrences are possible?—Yours fraternally,


St. Edward Alexander Crowley,

3, Gr. James St., W.C.

Anglo-Saxon Lodge, No. 343