THE SUNDERLAND DAILY ECHO Sunderland, Durham, England 7 May 1913 (page 1)
Variety Theatres.
To-Night, Twice Nightly, at 6.45 and 9. First Time Here. The American Comedy Actress, Miss Florence Irwin & Co., In George Ades’ Farce “Mrs. Peckham’s Carouse.” Cavalli, The “Sound Sleeping Ventriloquist. The Bioscope, Showing all the Latest Pictures. Five Fetleys, 1 Lady, 4 Gents, In their Great Comedy Aerial Stage Production. Frank Hartley, the Marvellous Buy Juggler. Karl & Eddie, Comedians at the Piano. Rowlands & Ford, Scotch and Welsh Comedians. London’s Latest and Greatest Success, Woody Wood and Well, In a Comedy Aerobatic Sketch. Seven Gipsy Ragged Ragtime Girls, The Dancing Fiddlers—An Absolute Novelty.
Next Week—Great Holiday Programme. |