Leicester, Leicestershire, England

8 November 1913

(page 11)





“The English Review” has an attractive and varied bill-of-fare. Among its more striking attractions is Mr. L. M. Shortt’s “Letters on Napoleon’s Last Days.” These cannot but be read with lively interest by the student of history. Herman Scheffaur has a graphic sketch entitled “On Tulang Shoals.” Israel Zangwill discourses on “The Militant Suffragists.” Allister [sic] Crowley on “Art in America,” and Norman Douglas on the ways “In Our Alley.” Mr. Rowland points the moral of the recent railway calamities in the light of railway disasters and dividends. A Layman writes incisively on “The Church Congress,” while the Editor discourses deftly and playfully on “Editorial Amenities.” Maurice Hewlett is effectively represented by a characteristic poem on “Carmac, Son of Ogmund.” Fiction is well represented and co-operates with the other many attractions to make a really excellent number.