Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

15 November 1913

(page 10)


The Observant Citizen.



I don’t know who Aleister Crowley is; but evidently he (or she) is somebody, or the English Review wouldn’t open its pages to her (or his) lengthy article ridiculing “Art in America.” From which I quote the following:

Of American culture, I have one perfect sample. Travelling from Nagasaki to Hong Kong, two mature maidens from Massachusetts discovered that I sometimes wrote, and “took me up.” “and who,” I asked, “is your favorite poet?”

A warm flush overspread each sallow cheek as the two thin mouths exclaimed “Rosetti!” “And which” (I tactlessly pursued) “which of his poems do you like the best?”

This remark closed the conversation. They had put the name Rosetti down in a notebook; and right there “culture” ended.