London, England

17 November 1913

(page 10)





Interesting in both subject and treatment the portraits of “Poets and Publicists,” by Mr. Hector Murchison, at the Camera Club, in the Adelphi, should be seen by everybody who cares for good photography. Non-interference with the subject, combined with sympathetic observation, seems to be the secret of Mr. Murchison’s success. He lets the sitter reveal himself in characteristic attitude and gesture, confining his part of the work to the arrangement of conditions, lighting, the choice of accessories, etc., best suited to the type. For the rest, he concentrates upon the technical quality of the print. Perhaps the most “speaking” likeness in the collection is that of Mr. W. H. Davies, the poet (18), though Mr. G. K. Chesterton (12), Mr. C. Lewis Hind (28) and Mr. Aleister Crowley (46) are very good indeed. Mr. Walter de la Mare, Mr. John Masefield, Mrs. Nesbit Bland, Mr. Laurence Binyon, and Mr. Bernard Shaw are among the forty-six subjects of the photographs.