THE WESTMINSTER GAZETTE London, England 1 October 1914 (page 9)
Of all the October issues of reviews it may be said that the greater part of their space is given over to the varying facets of war.
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To the “English Review” Mr. Austin Harrison contributes three articles on different aspects of German life and thought. In “World Power or Downfall” he expounds the thesis that “the whole machine of German government, life, administration, and organisation was founded and run for the purpose of war, and was so accepted by the German people.” A second article reviews the political career of the Emperor under the title “The Kaiser’s Failures,” and a third makes a vigorous attack on those decadent tastes in art, music, and life which Germany had almost induced the world to accept. With much about the war, the “English Review” yet finds more space than several of its contemporaries for articles on other subjects, for stories of considerable power, and for a poem by Allister [sic] Crowley, which is an appeal “To America” for union in our cause at the present time. |