Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

5 December 1914

(page 4)







From the publisher, London, The English Review for October, 1914, full of good things, as usual—certainly the smartest shilling magazine which comes under the reviewer’s notice. This number opens with a fine poem by Aleister Crowley, “To America;” and the other contents include R. B. Cunninghame Graham’s “In a Back-water” (a rustic view of the war); E. V. Lucas’s “Giorgione;” and Arthur Ransome’s “Ankou;” “Night Work at the Forge,” by Alfred Williams; the Editor (Austin Harrison), on “World-Power or Downfall,” “The Kaiser’s Failures,” “Intelligent Brutality;” Edward Thomas on “Tipperary;” E. S. P. Haynes, “Christianity;” Rowland Kenney, “Talking;” L. March Phillipps, “Ideals;” Mrs. Ruth Jackson, “Motherhood” (a poem); “A Blond Beast,” Nietzsche ; Canossa, books.