Berlin, Germany

7 July 1915

(page 2)





The German and the Irish people in the United States, at a low estimate, amount to over 30 millions of the population, but aside from this very great contribution the distinctively native American element is largely represented amongst the friends of the German and Austrian cause. Amongst the leaders of the movement in favour of Germany are such noted American educators as Professor Wm. M. Sloan, Columbia University, Professor Sanborn of the University of California, Dr. W. S. Mc. Neill of the University of Virginia, Professor John W. Burgess of Columbia College, Professor Benj. Ide Wheeler of the University of California, Professor George Stuart Fullerton of the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Thomas C. Hall, Professor of the Union Theological Seminary, John L. Stoddard, the noted lecturer and author, Professor Chas. C. Hyde, Professor Yandell Henderson of Yale, Professor Sheppard of Colombia University, Andrew D. White, Senator Albert J. Beveridge, Professor Trent of Colombia College, Charlemagne Tower. These are but a few of a brilliant galaxy of noted American educators, thinkers and diplomats, who have boldly defended and upheld the Teuton cause in the American press. Another fact to be remembered is that the most distinguished American journalists, who have accompanied the German and Austrian armies have without exception not only denied the charges of cruelty made against them, but have with great success in their newspapers combated the campaign of lies and misrepresentation which has had its centre in London.


It is also well to remember that there is an imposing minority of public opinion in England which does not support the action of the British Government in plunging Europe into this terrible conflagration. Among the leaders of this movement are Lord Morley, the Rt. Hon. Chas. Trevelyan, Sir Arthur Ponsonby, Ramsay McDonald M.P.; C. H. Norman, Dr. Conybeare of Oxford University, Keir Hardie, M. P.; Bernhard Shaw, E. D. Morel, F. W. Jowett, Professor Morgan of University of London, the Rt. Hon John Burns, Philip Snowdon, Frank Harris, Aleister Crowley, Norman Angell. This list includes only a few of those who in a most patriotic and unselfish manner are endeavouring to recall the British people to their senses.