THE ACADEMY London, England 24 July 1915 (page 53)
To atone, perhaps, for the insufferable doggerel by a certain Lord Latymer in the June English Review, Mr. Austin Harrison gives us in the current number of that journal some poetry by a Mr. John Gurdon. We were prejudiced at first, it is true, by an accompanying announcement to the effect that Mr. Gurdon’s muse had the approval of the Poets’ Club. But Mr. Gurdon wins us by sheer dint of merit, and we hasten to make our acknowledgments to all concerned. At the same rate, we shall keep an eye on the English Review, which in the past has not hesitated to print the unwholesome lucubrations of Mr. Aleister Crowley (now serving the Muses in the United States of America), of Mr. Frank Harris (on a very different errand), and the equally unwholesome views of divers females with regard to sex. |