Eau Claire, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

5 October 1915

(page 6)





(Aleister Crowley in the Fatherland)


"Old England had a nafy;

Dey had de fifteen-inch,

So many und so long dey vas

Dey tink dey hav a cinch.

De pootiest shells in all de vurld,

Dey vayed 'pout two tausend pound;

Und efery time dat Vinston shpeak

He make der vurld resound.


Old England had a nafy;

I dells you it cost 'her dear;

Dey plewed in more ash dvendy-vife

Off millions efery year;

Und vhenefer dey launch anoder ship

De English gifes a cheer,

I dinks dot so vine a nafy

Nefer sailed dis erdlich sphere.


Old England had a nafy;

Dey haf vun 'Vistory,'

Vun 'Driumph,' vun 'Invincible,'

Dot sailed upon der sea.

Dey haf two hoondred 'Dreadnought.'

Und super-Dreadnoghts ash vell;

[But de bride of all der navy]

Vos der prave 'Unsinkable.'


Old England had a nafy;

Like fans der men vos rooty,

Ven out of Luxhafen dere come

Vun klein' Unterseeboote.

Und ven der nafy see him come

Dey dink of der Chudgment Day.

And ash qvick as dey can vot vos left of dem

Vos sguttling out of der vay.


Old England had a nafy,

Vhere ish dot navy now?

Vhere ish de lofely brazen cloud

Dot vos on Vinston's prow?

Vhere ish de Mishtress of de seas

Dot kept dem bottled tight?

All goned away mit de torpedo—

Avay in de evigkeit!"


Hans Breitman in 1915.