THE BLACKWELL DAILY NEWS Blackwell, Oklahoma, U.S.A. 5 June 1916 (page 1)
Washington, June 5.—Dr. Sun Yat Sen’s missing jade idol, for return of which $10,000 was offered in advertisements in fifty American newspapers, has been found. Its recovery, according to Allister [sic] Crowley, secretary to Henry Clifford Stuart, who conducted the search, will, through its powerful influence over the minds of superstitious Chinese, mean a return to power of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Crowley left for New York presumably to take possession of the idol. He said the idol was stolen two years ago by agents of the Yuan Shi-kai in China, with a view to destroying Dr. Sun’s powerful influence over his followers. Crowley said loss of the idol was held directly responsible for failure of the government in China. |