Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.

9 July 1916


Two Correspondents Answered.



To the Editor of the Sunday Tribune:


If friend Cantello had put up a real defence of Kitchener in his letter of last Sunday, we would take pleasure in showing him where he was wrong but as all his statements were beside the mark there is really nothing to answer. One assertion he made was true and I heartily agree with him in it. He said that all Irishmen in France and at Salonika are not Sinn Feiners. We are extremely thankful they are not. If they were they would be in Ireland standing up for Ireland instead of fighting for their worst enemy on the continent.


The eulogy of John Redmond and his co-traitors by Emil O’Leary is certainly undeserved as those men deserve nothing but censure. They have become more British than the British themselves and all for a paltry £400 a year. They have betrayed Ireland and they are, in a measure, responsible for the death of Padray Pearse. When the proper time comes, the punishment they will receive will fit their crime.


Emil’s tears for “plundered Belgium” and “harassed Serbia and Montenegro” are wasted. When Belgium had the chance she plundered the natives of the Congo and when she couldn’t get plunder from them she tortured them. If Belgium is being plundered, which we know is not so, she is receiving her just deserts. As for Serbia and Montenegro, they did some harassing of their own when the opportunity offered. Serbia, whose case in relation to Austria is similar to that of Mexico and the United States, had done her best by means of murder plots, intrigues, etc., to break up the Dual Monarchy. The Serbians, even now, have a murderer for a King. He was responsible for the assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga in 1903. The Montenegrins are best described by Aleister Crowley, who said: “They are a decent, honest set of cut-throats.”



Providence, July 5.