Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

24 August 1916

(page 16)





The M. M. M. (Mysteria Mystica Maxima) held a public meeting in the Labor Temple to proclaim the “Message of the New Aeon,” the world-teaching of individual freedom for the coming age. After some preliminary explanations in regard to the Great White Brotherhood of A.A., the source from which this teaching is derived, Very Illustrious Bro. Sir Stanfield Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], Viceroy O.T.O., Canada, past master of M. M. M., delivered an address to further elucidate “The Message of the Master Therion” and “The Comment of Frater Achad.” He pointed out that every man and every women incarnated on this earth by a deliberate act of free-will and for a definite purpose, which birth had caused them to lose sight of; that it is necessary for each to find that purpose and to carry out their true will, with one-pointedness, detachment and peace. He further said that “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law” applies to all, and that although each of us has a right to do his or her true will, we are bound not to interfere in any way with the will of another. There is plenty of room for all, it is interference that creates disorder and confusion.


In explaining “Love is the law, love under will,” he said that no bond can unite the divided but love, and that death itself is an ecstacy, not unlike love, but more intense; in fact that death is the very engine of our progress and the crowning initiation of our careers.