THE EVENING DESPATCH Birmingham, Warwickshire, England 16 May 1917 (page 3)
There was a sequel at Marlborough-street yesterday to a raid by Scotland Yard officers on the premises in Regent-street of the Mystical Society known as the “M.M.M.,” when Mrs. Mary Davies, psychist, was charged with professing to tell fortunes.
Detective Curry said that on the glass panel of the front door were the letters “M.M.M.”
Mr. Muskett said he thought that it meant Mysteria Mystica Maxima.
Mr. Deumann: I do not think that we can assume what it means. It may be Mary Muriel Muggins.
Witness continuing, said that it was the Order of the Temple of the Orient.
With Police-sergeant Burnley witness entered and saw in the room ten persons in addition to prisoner, who was seated on a sort of throne chair with Masonic regalia, representing the Worshipful Master. The others wore the aprons of Master Masons.
Prisoner was remanded on bail in two sureties of £50, or one of £100. |