London, England

23 May 1917

(page 2)




Remarkable Evidence in

Fortune-Telling Charge.



Remarkable evidence was given at Marlborough-street yesterday, when Mrs. Mary Davies, psychist, was charged on remand with professing to tell fortunes.


When the police raided her premises in Regent-street she was discovered seated in what Detective-Inspector Curry described as a sort of throne chair and wearing masonic regalia representing the Worshipful Master.


Ten people who surrounded her wore the aprons of Master Masons.


Miss Sarah Gardner, who paid defendant 10s. 6d., and inquired about her soldier husband, from whom she had not heard for three weeks, said that defendant replied: “I can see him rushing on, full of life. He is rushing on with several, and falls back among others.” Witness asked: “Wounded?” and she replied: “I cannot tell; he is in bed.”


In fining Mrs. Davies £40 and ten guineas costs, Mr. Denman said he would take it for the purposes of the case that she acted with quite bona fide intentions, but in view of the provisions of the statute there must be a conviction.