Worthing, Sussex, England

16 March 1921

(page 3)




Peeps into Current Literature.



Swift Wings: Songs in Sussex. [By Victor B. Neuburg]—The Vine Press, Steyning: six shillings net.


The ancient town of Steyning is famous for many things, for was not Saint Cuthman associated with it; its Grammar School possesses a unique record: and it has also had its royal mint.


In modern times, by “the art preservative of art,” an enterprising firm essay to produce artistic specimens of the printer’s craft, and in the specimen before us we have a wholly produces Sussex book of verse, minted in our historic and poetic countryside.


The poems are a selection from a longer work in contemplation, and deal with various flights of poetic genius, descriptive of our woodland and urban scenery, with others of a more personal character.


“Shoreham Hills” sings the praise tunefully of the old scenes of Celts, Britons, and Romans; whilst the sonnet on Richard Jeffries and the poem on our short-lived sweet singer, William Collins, will appeal to lovers of the prose poet and Chichester’s famous son.


The attractively designed cover appropriately includes a windmill, with its “swift wings,” and it is the work of Beatrice Linda Stanbrough. Hand-made paper helps to make a most credible production.