THE DETROIT TIMES Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 30 December 1921 (page 1)
Police Raid Reveals Books of Order; Meetings Held in Fashionable Home.
Meetings of the “O.T.O.,” the erotic cult whose activities have been exposed by The Detroit Times, are expected to be described today.
The testimony is to be taken in the bankruptcy hearing growing out of the financial difficulties of the Universal Book Stores, Inc.
It is declared that many of the sessions of the mystic cult were held in a fashionable Second boulevard residence.
Prominent Detroit society people said to have attended the gatherings to be instructed in the doctrines of the group, which is said held the highest law to be “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”
Grover L. Merden, attorney for the creditors and trustees of the book concern, said he will endeavor to cast light on the practices of the cult at the proceedings today before Paul M. King, referee in bankruptcy.
Private Library Seized.
Sex worship books, serpent adoration and occultism are set forth in the private library of Albert W. Ryerson, former head of the book company, it is alleged. The library was seized yesterday afternoon under a $2,500 judgment granted Harry J. Walker of Cleveland. Walker claimed he had acted as security on a note for the amount.
The library was seized by the sheriff after his deputy, Otto C. Klanowsky, had taken it from the home of Ryerson at 150 West Larned street.
Merden says he will attempt to introduce some of the volumes as evidence in the bankruptcy proceedings.
2,000 Copies Purchased.
It is claimed that the Universal Bookstores, Inc., was forced into bankruptcy through its publishing of the “Equinox,” official organ of the O.T.O. and that the book was sponsored by Ryerson, whose firm contracted for 2,000 copies of the publication.
Aleister Crowley of Baltimore, is the author of the book which was brought out after he had visited Ryerson in Detroit for a month.
William A. Gibson, former treasurer of the book concern, is expected to take the witness stand today to tell what he knows of the practices of the O.T.O. said to mean “Order of the Temple of the Orient.” |