THE DETROIT TIMES Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 14 January 1922
Murphy Hints Indictments May Be Asked in O.T.O. Case.
Frank Murphy, assistant district attorney today turned over letters to E. E. Fraser, post office inspector, tending to show copies of the Equinox, official publication of the Order of the Temple of the Orient, commonly known as the O.T.O., had been sent through the mails. The book has been declared indecent by Prosecutor Paul W. Voorhies.
Mr. Fraser said he would investigate thoroughly.
A prominent attorney of Detroit called on Mr. Murphy this morning and furnished him with further details regarding the alleged activities of the O.T.O. in Detroit.
Mr. Murphy says his office has authority to prosecute all who have received the book through the mails if they did so with knowledge of its contents.
The Equinox and the cult whose doctrines it embodies came to the notice of officials when bankruptcy proceedings were started against the Universal Book Stores, Inc. Grover L. Morden, attorney for the trustees of the company, declared that its difficulty was brought about by the failure of the book to sell. |