THE DETROIT NEWS Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 16 January 1922
Woman Says Husband Drifted Away From Her After Reading O.T.O. Book.
That the Equinox, the official publication of the O.T.O. broke up her home after two years of happy married life, was the story told today by a woman to Frank Murphy, assistant district attorney, who is, investigating the affairs of the cult.
The woman told her story only on promise that her name would be protected and that she would not be called as a witness. She said her husband had been given the book by a woman, that after he read it he participated in strange rites and ceremonies, that he gradually grew more and more cold, until he finally ceased “to love and respect” her.
“As a result of my husband’s studying this book, my home is wrecked and I am forced to face the world alone and make my own living,” said the woman, who gave her age as 38. “Before this book was given to my husband he was a good man, true, devoted and industrious.
“Night after night he studied this book. He wanted me to read it, but I soon saw that it was not fit even for beasts. I pleaded with him to give it up, but he refused to do so. Finally he began to go to meetings. He said the book gave him the right to go where he pleased, to do what he pleased and to love whom he pleased.
“As a result of my experiences, my health is so broken that, while I want to stamp out this book, my physician tells me that if I go to court that I will die, as my heart has been affected.
The husband is 67 years old, the woman said. She named a number of well-known men and women as his associates in the cult and gave Mr. Murphy the name of the woman who gave the copy to her husband.
Mr. Murphy continued his investigation today. Evidence he is obtaining will probably be laid before the United States grand jury he says.
Meanwhile, Paul W. Voorhies, prosecuting attorney, is marking time in the investigation of O.T.O. affairs until the result of Mr. Murphy’s investigation is made known. |