THE DETROIT TIMES Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 26 January 1922 (page 1)
Woman Minister Says O.T.O. Planned to Build Temple Here.
A gorgeous temple, resplendent in Oriental fittings, was planned for Detroit by promoters of the O.T.O., mystic love cult, according to Rev. Lady Jean Hooper, lecturer on spiritualism and things mystic.
“I was on intimate terms with those interested in establishing the religion here, although I fought it from its inception I know that it was the intention to build a beautiful mosque on the boulevard. The site had been selected. This was to be their first ‘lodge.’ Many more were planned for other parts of the country.
Religion Is Ancient.
“The religion of the O.T.O., has come down through the ages from the ancient Chaldeans. They were a chaste people until ‘passion’ crawled into their midst. Then there was sin.
In a recent hearing of the bankruptcy proceedings of the Universal Book Store, Inc., Albert W. Ryerson stated that he had depended on the promises and intentions of Stanfield Jones to establish ‘lodges’ throughout the country for the success of marketing the official organ of the O.T.O.
Lady Hooper lived in the same house on West Grand boulevard with Mr. Ryerson for a time. It was at this time that she became especially antagonistic to the cult, she says, because of the conduct of those who frequented the place.
Asked Her Help.
“Shortly after I left Ryerson’s,” Lady Hooper said, “Mr. Ryerson came to my apartment and asked me if I would not help him prevent Aleister Crawley, organizer of the O.T.O., who also stayed at his house, from taking away from him, the young woman now known as Mrs. Ryerson, then Bertha A. Bruce. It was Crowley’s intention to take her to Paris and on.
“Crowley had already cut off her hair to make her a priestess of the O.T.O. I told Ryerson to send her to me and I would see what I could do. She came. The woman seemed to be under the influence of the oriental drug, hashish. I talked to her, telling her that Crowley’s religion was none other than the ancient black magic, and that it would be a mistake for her to go away with him. The woman did not go with Crowley.” |