Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

28 January 1922

(page 11)




Mrs. B. B. Ryerson Admits She Aided

in Financing Bankrupt Book Firm.


Aleister Crowley, “Equinox” Author,

Was Visitor at Her Home, She Testifies.



Mrs. Bertha Bruce Ryerson, wife of Albert W. Ryerson, former head of the bankrupt Universal Bookstores, Inc., testified in the federal proceedings, Friday, that she had financed the concern in “lean times.”


There was no reference to the “O.T.O.,” mystic love cult, during the bankruptcy hearing, with the exception of Mrs. Ryerson’s testimony that Aleister Crowley, author of the Equinox, official publication of the society, had been her guest.


Ryerson Intervenes.


Grover L. Morden, attorney for the stockholders and trustees of the bankrupt book concern, called Mr. Ryerson to the stand. When the attorney questioned Mrs. Ryerson as to the date of her marriage, she replied:


“That’s none of your business.”


“I can’t recall it,” she answered when the court urged her to supply a better answer. “It was a while ago,” she said, “about two years, I guess.”


Here, Mr. Ryerson intervened. “It was December 31, 1919,” he said.


“Yes, that might be the date,” Mrs. Ryerson added.


“Who married you?” asked the attorney.


“I can’t remember that,” retorted the witness.


Crowley Guest of Hers.


Crowley was a guest at her home, 381 West Grand Boulevard, at the time of her marriage, Mrs. Ryerson said. Crowley sold her $1,000 in notes for $950, she testified. These notes were from the Universal Bookstores, Inc., and were payments for Crowley’s writings. On another occasion, Mrs. Ryerson purchased 31 notes from her husband for $1,550 to aid the concern, she testified. In payment, she finally had to take furniture and Ryerson’s salary, $50 a week, from the bookstore.


Ryerson said funds had been placed in his personal account because he owned 85 per cent of the stock of the corporation. He admitted selling a rebinding plant to the company for $3,000 and testified that he had given $2,000 stock in an eastern corporation and $400 cash for the binding concern.