Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

14 December 1922

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Injunction Restrains Ryerson From

Preventing Her Posing as Model.



Mabel M. Ryerson, 18 years old, filed a petition for divorce Wednesday from Albert W. Ryerson, 51 years old, 381 West Grand boulevard, and also secured an injunction from Circuit Court Judge Harry J. Dingeman restraining Ryerson from molesting her in her attempts to earn a living by work as an artist’s model.


While defendant in bankruptcy proceedings in federal court last spring, testimony disclosed that Ryerson was the distributor of the “Equinox,” a “history” of an ancient people who worshipped the God of Pan and whose creed, as set forth in the book, was “Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law.” The book was said to be the official organ of the O.T.O. (Order of the Temple of the Orient), a chapter of which was alleged to have existed in Detroit for some time.


Ryerson, with an Alexander Crowley of New York and Boston, were alleged to have organized the Detroit branch of the cult, the latter leaving the city when investigation of the order was threatened.


Ryerson, who is wealthy, according to the petition, with a summer home at Port Lambton, Ont., in addition to the home on West Grand boulevard, married Mabel September 6, 1922, at Mt. Clemens. The couple lived together only a month, separating October 5.


Ryerson was extremely cruel to her, Mabel states in the petition. He beat her severely, the offenses beginning three days after the marriage ceremony, she alleged.