THE DETROIT FREE PRESS Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 15 December 1921 (page 1)
Sensational disclosures are expected when the divorce case instituted by Mabel W. Ryerson, 18 years old, against Albert W. Ryerson, 51 years old, 381 West Grand Boulevard, comes to trial. The hearing probably will be held in January. Mrs. Ryerson left her husband after being married 29 days. She charges cruelty. Ryerson was charged during a bankruptcy hearing last year with being one of the masterminds of the O.T.O.—the Order of the Temple of the Orient—which was based on pagan love-worship. Mrs. Ryerson Thursday night declined to go into details regarding her short married life, saying that she desired to blot them from her mind forever, if that were possible. |