THE KALAMAZOO GAZETTE Kalamazoo, Michigan, U.S.A. 15 December 1922 (page 7)
Mrs. A. W. Ryerson, 19-Year-Old Artist Model, Asks for Divorce.
DETROIT, Dec. 15.—Albert W. Ryerson, secretary-treasurer of the Ryerson company of this city, has been made defendant in a suit for divorce instituted by his 19-year-old artist-model bride.
Mrs. Ryerson, who was before her marriage Miss Mabel Mitchell of Mr. Clemens, charges that her husband struck her in the presence of relatives just three days after their marriage and that later that night he struck her so forcibly as to knock her unconscious.
Ryerson gained considerable publicity several months ago when his first wife divorced him. At that time he blamed his marital troubles on a book, “The Equinox,” around which was built the O.T.O., or Order of the Temple of the Orient, a love cult, in which he believed. He also figured in bankruptcy proceedings brought against him by the Universal Book store Inc., of which he was the president. |