THE DETROIT FREE PRESS Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 19 December 1922 (page 5)
Wife Says Ryerson is Wholly Wrapped Up in Mystic Oriental Cult.
Albert W. Ryerson's whole life was wrapped up in a mystic, oriental cult which was officially names the “Order of the Temple of the Orient,” according to Mazie Mitchell Ryerson, his 18-year-old wife, who is suing him for divorce.
Ryerson, 51 years old, alleged head of the oriental secret order of the O.T.O., lived with her 29 days and is charged with extreme cruelty in her bill of divorce.
Offered Her Book.
“Shortly after we were married,” the young wife said Monday, “Mr. Ryerson offered me $10 if I would read a small book which he submitted to me. That book, I have since learned, was a sort of a key to the rituals described in the Equinox, the book that is said to have caused the bankruptcy of the book shop with which my husband was connected.
Aleister Crowley, of New York and Boston, and now said to be in Italy, who figured in the abortive O.T.O. investigations last year, was very often mentioned in the Ryerson household, Mrs. Ryerson said. Ryerson told her Crowley was the high priest of the O.T.O., and that he was the “Beast” mentioned in some of their writings.
Told of Meetings.
Her husband told her of meetings of the men in Detroit who composed the local chapter of the O.T.O. Most of these meetings were held in private homes, although there was a room in the rear of the book shop in Grand River avenue, and one in the apartment where Ryerson lived at 150 West Larned street, where gatherings were held.
When she has obtained a divorce, Mrs. Ryerson will make public the story of her very varied existence, she said. Her experiences, which have culminated in connection with the chief exponent of the weirdest, most mysterious association ever known in Detroit, began when she was three years old, a time when an attempt was made to kidnap her in Canada. Since that time, her life has been extremely eventful, she said, and several writers have offered to correlate the story and prepare it for publication. |