THE BUFFALO COURIER Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. 24 December 1922 (page 4)
Girl-Wife Makes Picturesque Charges.
That Albert W. Ryerson, versatile lovemaker and alleged head of a Detroit chapter of the Order of the Temple of the Orient (“O.T.O.”), often told her he was the “reincarnation of Solomon” was the statement of Mazie Mitchell Ryerson, his 18-year-old wife who, after a tumultuous 29-day sojourn in Ryerson’s Riverside drive home in Windsor, is suing him for divorce, charging cruelty.
Interviewed in a downtown artists’ studio, where she has been employed since fleeing the “mysticism” of the Canadian shore home, Mrs. Ryerson emphatically denied there had been any “romance” or “triangle” in her motive to discard her middle-aged husband through the divorce court.
“Statements by Ryerson that I was ‘hypnotized’ by a Hindoo servant whom he had employed as a chauffeur are false and given only in his desperate attempt to try his case in the newspapers. Marwen Jamshed, the man he mentions, has always respected my position and on several occasions has prevented Ryerson from carrying out plots against my character.”
The girl asserted she is desirous only of obtaining a divorce from her husband, wants “none of his money, if he has any,” and wants to blot from her memory forever the tragic history of her life as his wife.
Detroit’s colony or artists, who, since the filing of Mrs. Ryerson’s divorce bill, have flock
Ryerson has been served with a court order issued by Judge Harry Dingeman, restraining him from interfering with or molesting his wife, pending the divorce suit. He lives in his home at No. 381 West Grand boulevard, has two women housekeepers and a negro cook. |