THE DETROIT TIMES Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 27 December 1922 (page 1)
Cross Bill to Annul Marriage Filed in Ryerson Divorce.
A motion to set aside the divorce suit of Mrs. Mazie Ryerson, professional artist model, “queen” of the Chalet de Arts, 135 East Jefferson avenue, was filed today by her husband, Albert W. Ryerson, alleged head of the mystic O.T.O. love cult.
Ryerson charged Mr. Ryerson was married to another man at the time he married her. An affidavit, filed with the motion and signed by Ryerson and Edward C. Herlehy, sets forth the young model was married to George A. Martin, alias George Foy Gregory, in Pittsburgh on May 3 of this year. He and Mrs. Ryerson were married Sept. 6 in Mt. Clemens.
The motion also states neither Ryerson or Mrs. Ryerson were residents of the United States at the time of their marriage. Both are Canadian citizens. |