THE DETROIT TIMES Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 28 December 1922 (pages 1 & 3)
Ryerson’s Attorney Says Client Claims Persecution in Divorce Case.
Several prominent physicians, dentists and real estate dealers will be subpoenaed to testify to the formation of the O.T.O. cult when the divorce case of Mazie Mitchell Ryerson against Albert W. Ryerson, reputed local head of the cult comes to trial.
This announcement was made today by Edward C. Herlehy, of the Penobscot building, who is attorney for Ryerson.
Declaring he has been persecuted long enough and has kept silence for the sake of his lodge brothers, Ryerson disclosed the organization of the cult and names the charter members.
This action has been taken because of the statements made by Mazie Ryerson, artists’ model, that she will reveal the secrets of the O.T.O. when she appears in court against her former husband.
Efforts are being made to keep the Ryerson divorce case from reaching court, according to Attorney Herlehy. Those who are interested in the formation of the O.T.O. are loathe that any revelations concerning their activity should become public. Mr. Herlehy says it is anticipated that Mazie Ryerson’s charges against Ryerson’s participation in love cult rites of the O.T.O. will be refuted by statements and subpoenas from Ryerson’s associates proving his innocence. For this reason certain prominent physicians and doctors are not keen on having Ryerson marital troubles aired in the divorce courts where their names might be mentioned in connection with the O.T.O.
Conclusive proofs that Mazie Ryerson committed bigamy are claimed by Ryerson. He alleges she married a George A. Martin, alias Foy, alias Gregory, son of a prominent Quebec railroad man, in Pittsburgh, a month previous to becoming friendly with him, Ryerson.
“She told me a short time after our meeting,” Ryerson declared, “that she had made a mistake with a man name Martin, that she had lived with him as his wife and that he was then under arrest for robbery. She appealed to me so sweetly and vowed it was her only mistake that I sent my lawyer to Pittsburgh and at an expense of $750 got this man out of trouble.
“I expect to prove that they both traveled for a company and Mazie appeared as a sweet little innocent magazine seller. I have proof that they registered in several hotels as man and wife and have evidence of their constant intimacy.
“I have a marriage certificate in a vault, showing that George S. Wilson performed the marriage ceremony for Mazie and Martin.”
This certificate was abandoned by Mazie when she fled from Ryerson’s beautiful home on Riverside Drive, on October 5, according to Ryerson. He later found it hidden behind an ivory framed picture of the Prince of Wales, on Mazie’s dressing table. A packet of letters to Mazie in which the writer addressed her as his “Dearest little girl and wife,” and “My own dear little wife,” also were found by Ryerson among Mazie’s effects.
Two of the letters are given, in which the alleged husband writes of his troubles, Mazie’s help, and his wish to have her visit his people, urging “that we are man and wife now, until death do us part.”
The letters in part are as follows.