THE DETROIT FREE PRESS Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. 28 December 1922 (page 8)
Declares She Never Was Married Before; Calls Husband’s Action ‘Frameup.’
Charges of Albert W. Ryerson, alleged head of the O.T.O. love-cult in Detroit and self-styled “philosophical student,” that Mazie Mitchell Ryerson, his 18-year-old wife, who is suing him for divorce, was married in Pittsburgh last May and never was legally “divorced” from her former husband, were emphatically denied Wednesday by the pretty artist’s model, who termed the allegations as “absolutely false.”
A motion to dismiss the divorce suit of Mrs. Ryerson has been filed by Ryerson’s attorneys, in which it is alleged both Ryerson and his wife are citizens of Canada, the former having, he alleges, taken out papers to that effect September 1, five days before the couple were married in Mr. Clemens, Mich.
Ryerson names a George Foy, alias George A. Martin, son of a railroad man, of Quebec, as the alleged “husband” of his wife. Mrs. Ryerson, denouncing the motion as a “frameup” to induce her to drop the divorce suit, admitted becoming acquainted with a “Mr. Martin” in the eastern city, but denied being married to him or to any man in Pittsburgh. She said she visited people in that city just prior to becoming acquainted with Ryerson, in Detroit.
An affidavit from Hormusji Rustamji, 166 West Elizabeth street. a Hindu, describing a “plot” between Mrs. Ryerson and two other Hindus to obtain certain papers held by Ryerson by searching his house, was presented by Ryerson’s attorney. Rustamji could not be located either at his home or the River Rouge Ford plant where he is said to work, up to a late hour Wednesday night.
The motion to dismiss the suit will be heard in circuit court Saturday. Mrs. Ryerson is represented by Walter I. McKenzie, former assistant United States district attorney. |