THE BUFFALO TIMES Buffalo, New York, U.S.A. 31 December 1922 (page 66)
Girl Bride Enters Marriage Pact For Thirty Days With Elderly Wooer; But She Quits on the Last Day.
When Romeo Methods Fail, He Becomes a Cave Man, Model Asserts, Adding That Her Father Promoted Alliance with Love Cult Head.
NEW YORK.—When Albert W. Ryerson, 51, and head of a wealthy corporation, wed his 18-year-old wife, Mazie, a pretty artists’ model, they agreed that the marriage would be “on trial” for 30 days, the bride asserts.
But at the end of the 29th day of their honeymoon, she left him, confessing that the marital experiment was an absolute failure. She was the second wife of the middle-aged business man and found life with him far less thrilling than when she was “The Queen of the Chalet D’Arts,” one of the ancient institutions of Detroit for the development of artistic talents. Now Mrs. Ryerson is begging the courts to free her.
Odd Compact.
“When Mr. Ryerson asked me to marry, the disillusioned model explained, “he stipulated the 30 days’ trial because I was reluctant. I did not love him. But he said if he could not make me love him in 30 days I could go free.
“When he saw that he was making no headway to my heart with his love-making, he tried cave-man tactics and that was worse. I did try to make the best of things. I dragged through 29 of the 30 days and then I left him.”
The bride said that he father, a brother lodge member of Ryerson’s, strongly favored the aged wooer’s suit. The girl’s parents made Ryerson her legal guardian, she asserted.
Posed as Daughter.
“Then when he attended social affairs,” she added, “Mr. Ryerson introduced me as his daughter. The Fellowcraft Club gave a dinner to 50 in my honor, and Mr. Ryerson, who accompanied me, presented me as his daughter to those present, and no one seemed to suspect that I was not.
“I was timid and inexperienced. I guess fear of offending him more than anything else prompted me to accept his offer. It was several days before I understood. At the end of the 29th day I just had to go away. I did not even know—or care—where I was going when I left. He had showered me with attentions before our marriage, but after the ceremony I found him unbearable.”
Headed Love Cult.
Ryerson was married once before, and his first wife, Elvira, divorced him in 1919. At that time she declared.
“My husband confessed his love for many and sundry women who professed to have the same ideals as himself. He received many notes from lovesick women, who said his love aroused in them a torrent of emotions.”
At this time Ryerson was declared to be the head of a Cult of Love, with a mysterious ritual. He was later drawn into a suit, as head of the Universal Book Stores, to determine whether the corporation’s money was being used to promote cult activities. |