THE VANCOUVER DAILY WORLD Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 1 January 1923 (page 6)
Exponent of Love Cult Poor Husband Avers His Girl Wife.
Mabel Ryerson, 18-year-old artists’ model, wife of Albert W. Ryerson, 51 years old, head of the “O.T.O.” Love Cult, who left him after 29 days of trial marriage, she asserts, when his love making assumed cave-man characteristics.
Detroit, Jan. 3.—Albert W. Ryerson, head of the mysterious love cult “O.T.O.,” was a failure as a lover his eighteen-year-old-wife, Mabel, artists’ model, declares. Mrs. Ryerson, known as the “Queen of the Chalet d’Arts,” an artists’ establishment, is suing for divorce. She is Ryerson’s second wife. “He asked me to marry him on 30 days’ trial,” Mrs. Ryerson said. “He agreed that if he could not make me love him at the end of that time I should go free. When he saw that he was not making headway with his love-making he tried caveman tactics. He beat me severely on several occasions. I was able to drag through 29 of the 30 days, and then I left him.” Mrs. Ryerson said she frequently poses before the artists of the Scarab Club. |