Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

2 January 1923

(page 21)





A compromise may be reached between the lawyers for both parties in the divorce case of Mazie Mitchell Ryerson, art model, against Albert W. Ryerson, alleged O.T.O. leader, it was announced today.


The defense intimated to the plaintiff’s attorney that if the bill of divorce were amended, asking for an annulment, there would be no contest of suit. This compromise, however, will rest until after the hearing Thursday of the motion to dismiss the case.




Although both sides allege bigamy, there will be no criminal charges by either party, it was indicated today.


Ryerson’s attorneys, Hubar & Herlehy, maintain that they have proof Mazie Ryerson was the common-law wife of George A. Martin alias Fov, a few months prior to the time she met Ryerson.


On the other hand, Walter I. McKenzie, former assistant United States attorney, representing Mrs. Ryerson, declare he can prove that Ryerson’s housekeeper, Mrs. Bertha Bruce, passed as his wife. During the bankruptcy proceedings in January, McKenzie says, both Ryerson and Mrs. Bertha Bruce testified in court that she was Mrs. Ryerson.


“We have other proof that Ryerson is guilty of bigamy.” McKenzie said “We know that Mrs. Bruce was introduced to Ryerson’s friends as Mrs. Ryerson and that she received her mail under that name. She was also known to the servants in the house as Mrs. Ryerson.”