THE SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN San Bernardino, California, U.S.A. 3 January 1923 (page 19)
Model Divorces Artist Husband.
Had Too Many Hindu Visitors.
Turbaned-Orientals and millionaire practiced weird ceremonies in love cult, but he beat her when company left home on Riverside Drive, girl says.
DETROIT, Mich., Jan. 1.—Back to earth and the model’s stand after a plunge into the occult, Mazie Mitchell, artists’ model, is suing Albert W. Ryerson, Detroit millionaire, for divorce on grounds of the most fantastic cruelty ever charged in a Detroit court.
Life was just one Hindu after another, according to Mazie, these turbaned creatures foregathering at her wealthy husband’s summer home on Riverside Drive, Detroit, at all hours of the day and night.
She charges Ryerson, as the head of the O.T.O. love cult, sought instructions from these Orientals in strange ceremonies and incantations practiced thousands of years ago, and that he cluttered up the house performing ancient and unhallowed rites.
This would not have been so bad, however, if his personal devotion to her had not waned, Mrs. Ryerson asserted.
“He expressed undying love for me when strangers were around, but he beat me after they left,” she declares. During their month of wedded existence, she charged he treated her with extreme cruelty, once forcing her to sleep under the porch.
Posing may be tiring and not too lucrative an occupation, but Mazie Mitchell Ryerson has returned to it gladly from the onerous experiences of a lady of leisure. |