Buffalo, New York, U.S.A.

14 January 1923

(page 61)


Girl-Bride of Millionaire Love Cult Head

Sues for Divorce when Husband

Requests Her to Give Up Studio Posing.




When Albert W. Ryerson millionaire head of the Mystic Love Cult, the Order of the Temple of the Orient, wed his eighteen-year-old wife, Mazie, “Queen of the Chalet D’Arts,” one of the aesthetic institutions of Detroit, Mich., for the development of artistic talents, they agreed that the marriage would be “on trial” for thirty days, the bride asserts. The couple were married 29 days when Mrs. Ryerson brought suit against her husband, charging that he did not permit her to pursue her calling as a model in the Chalet D’Arts studio and that he endeavored to get her to join the Order of the Temple of the Orient. According to Mrs. Ryerson when Romeo methods failed her husband became a cave-man.