THE DENVER POST Denver, Colorado, U.S.A. 8 February 1923 (page 24)
Mazie Mitchell, 18, and Albert W. Ryerson, 51, Are Reported Reunited.
Detroit, Mich., Feb. 8.—Mazie Mitchell Ryerson, 18-year-old artist model, and her wealthy 51-year-old husband, Albert W. Ryerson, again are united, after the bride of less than a month had begun divorce proceedings on extreme cruelty charges of the cave-man variety. They will begin married life anew, at least that’s what Ryerson’s attorney stated Wednesday.
Ryerson, alleged Order of the Orient love cult leader, and the artist model agreed to a thirty days’ trial marriage. This lasted just twenty-nine days, when his young bride announced she could stand his cruelties no longer, and left him, returning to studio life.’
According to David L. Hubar, attorney for Ryerson, the couple dined together recently, adjusted their difficulties and are now living together just where, however, the attorney refused to state.
Ten days ago Mazie’s suit for divorce was thrown out of court because she had not established proper residence in Michigan. She was born in Canada and lived with Ryerson in a Windsor mansion. |