Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.

19 April 1923

(page 5)




Behind in Rent, Owners of Property

Say; Going Anyway, Mazie Declares.



While Albert W. Ryerson, his wife, Mazie, and seven women guests scurried for street attire in their apartment in the Ryerson building, 150 West Larned street, Wednesday, constables armed with eviction writs moved the furniture.


The writ was granted by Samuel L. May, circuit court commissioner, on petition of the Downtown Land company, owners of the building, who declare Ryerson is in arrears in his rent.


Ryerson holds a 99-year lease on the building but claims the non-payment of rent is due to a dispute with the Central States Finance corporation which had charge of the building while he was residing in Canada. He asserts this company collected the rents three months in advance, which it should have turned over to the owners. He refused to pay the rent for this period.


“We were going to move anyway,” philosophized Mrs. Ryerson.


The Ryersons first came into the public eye last fall when Mrs. Ryerson filed suit for divorce against her husband for being a leader of a mystic cult known as the “O.T.O.” The bill was thrown out of court because both parties were Canadians.


Following this there was a reconciliation and Ryerson purchased a café where his wife, an artist’s model, danced, but the venture proved ill-fated, and the restaurant is now in other hands.