THE PITTSBURGH POST-GAZETTE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. 4 June 1923 (page 98)
The Sunday Gazette Times Reveals Rites Practiced by Aleister Crowley, Who Attracted Persons of Peculiar Mentalities.
The astounding secrets of one of the most weird cults ever founded were revealed in a double-page feature story in the magazine section of The Gazette Times yesterday. The cult, founded by Aleister Crowley, attracted to its meetings many people who were presumed to be above the average intelligence but whose participation in the unusual rites of the cult would lead to the belief that they must have possessed peculiar mentalities. Many, no doubt, were attracted merely through curiosity.
There is no doubt but what Crowley possessed hypnotic power which he exercised over his followers, particularly women. His establishment of a branch of his cult in Detroit led to a scandal in which several women were involved. The story of his life is one of unusual interest, revealing as it does a man with a great mentality, which he put to insidious use. Another chapter, revealing more of the astounding secrets of this mystic love cult, will appear next Sunday in the magazine section of The Gazette Times. |