THE ABERDEEN PRESS and JOURNAL Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 22 June 1923 (page 5)
Readers of that gracefully-written little magazine “To-Day,” will be glad to know that it is now to reappear every month instead of every quarter. The monthly series will begin with the next number, to be published on September 1. Among the features of the June issue are Mr. Holbrook Jackson’s essay on “The War for Reality,” in which he pays special reference to the Capete’s “Insect Play” and Shaw’s “Major Barbara,” both running in London, as examples going to prove that the stage is no longer the best refuge of defunct ideas and dead illusions. Mr. Fetters comments appreciatively on the lyrics of Leigh Henry; Mr. C. E. Lawrence writes of those little things that, while commonplace on the surface, are in reality miracles; while Mr. Bernard Lintot seems rather to pay himself on the back for bringing out his “End Papers” in book form. A quartet of quaint woodcuts illustrate a few notes on the Vine Press, a Sussex press which turns out charming little books with the pleasant crudity of the chapbook. A number of woodcuts by Dennis West illustrate the book, and as such they are well done. |