Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

September-October 1923

(pages 14-15)


Editorial Announcement


A New Contributing Editor



The widespread interest and appreciation manifested by the readers of The Occult Press Review in the various contributions to its recent numbers by Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] has lead the management of this publication, actuated by the sole desire and purpose to procure for its readers the cream of the output of the foremost exponents and revelators of metaphysical, occult and mystical thought, to take another important step toward this end by effecting an arrangement whereby Frater Achad, instead of continuing only as an occasional and more or less desultory contributor to its columns, becomes definitely connected with its staff as Contributing Editor.


This young writer, young only in years as measured in the terms of terrestrial time, is rapidly rising to the topmost rung as an independent worker along occult and mystical lines, more particularly from the angle of occidental occultism. His recent independent contributions to the literature of the Qabalah and the Tarot has won for him a world-wide distinction in those fields; yet his endeavor is by no means limited in scope to that particular phase; he is deeply versed as well in the lore of Rosicrucianism, Esoteric Masonry, Taoism —to specifically enumerate but one or two subjects, a deep knowledge of which in time will be made accessible to the readers of The Occult Press Review.


But to those of our readers who are already familiar with his work, further comment is superfluous; to those who are not, the best introduction is to be found in his work itself. We are, however, appending hereto a letter from Frater Achad, himself, dealing with this subject, which will be found to be self-explanatory.


An Open Epistle of Frater Achad Unto His Excellent

Brother, R. Caswell Werner, Managing Editor of


Dealing with Various Matters Connected

with the Work of a Contributing Editor.





In conferring upon me the honor of the Office of Contributing Editor of THE OCCULT PRESS REVIEW, you have very wisely requested that I make a brief exposition of my editorial views and of the policy I intend to adopt in regard to the readers of your magazine.


I feel very much in the position of our ancient Brother Kwang-tze, who, it is said, “Was walking on a mountain, when he saw a great tree with huge branches and luxuriant foliage. A wood-cutter was resting by its side, but he would not touch it, and when asked the reason, said, that it was of no use for anything. Kwang-tze then said to his disciples, “This tree, because its wood is good for nothing, will succeed in living out its natural term of years.’’ Having left the mountain, the Master lodged in the house of an old friend, who was glad to see him and ordered his waiting-lad to kill a goose and boil it. The lad said: “One of our geese can cackle, and the other cannot; which of them shall I kill?” The host said, "Kill the one that cannot cackle.”


“Next day, his disciples asked Kwang-tze, saying, ‘Yesterday the tree on the mountain (you said) would live out its years because of the uselessness of its wood, and now our host’s goose has died because of its want of power to cackle—which of these conditions, Master, would you prefer to be in?’ Kwang-tze laughed and said, ‘If I said that I would prefer to be in a position between being fit to be useful and wanting that fitness, that would seem to be the right position, but it would not be so, for it would not put me beyond being involved in trouble; whereas one who takes his seat on the Tao and its Attributes, and there finds his ease and enjoyment, is not exposed to such a contingency. He is above the reach both of praise and of detraction; now he mounts aloft like a dragon, now he keeps beneath like a snake; he is transformed with the changing character of the time, and is not willing to addict himself to any one thing; now in a high position and now in a low, he is in harmony with all his surroundings; he enjoys himself at ease with the Author of all things; he treats things as things, and is not a thing to them—where is his liability to be involved in trouble?’ ”


Should I succeed in following the example of our ancient Chinese Brother, we should all feel satisfied, don’t you think?


The above mention of a goose reminds me that, if I am allowed to live, I suppose I shall be expected to cackle a little. But you, as Editor-in-Chief, should probably be considered "The Great Cackler.” Lest your readers misunderstand this term I should perhaps explain that He was much respected among our Brethren of Ancient Egypt. The "Book of the Dead" states: “Hail, thou sycamore of the goddess Nut! Grant thou to me of the water and of the air which dwell in thee. I embrace the throne which is in Hermopolis, and I watch and guard the egg of the Great Cackler. It groweth, I grow; it liveth, I live; it snuffeth the air, I snuff the air.”


And thus should it be between me and thee; as your magazine expands, I expand, as your readers cry for more, I shall cry for more space in your columns.


There is undoubtedly a great need for a serious and high-grade Occult Magazine in America, and THE OCCULT PRESS REVIEW, with its very broad and tolerant policy, should, without doubt, be able to fill this need and supply a great number of earnest seekers with the “food” they require. We have no need to hand out “stones,” for in our Father’s House is “Bread” enough and to spare, while in this Aquarian Age we should not lack the Waters of Life or the manifold Fruits of the Tree. But the supply will much depend on our readers’ demand. They little know, perhaps, what an immense fund of Initiated Knowledge is available. But since we are living in time and space and have to give things out in succession, they should make known to us their wants by showing their interest and appreciation of the articles which most appeal to them. On the other hand, those who are strongly drawn towards one aspect of the Work, should not forget that in all probability the study of other phases of the great Wisdom would bring them untold benefit, since EQUILIBRIUM IS THE BASIS OF THE WORK.


The united efforts of the Editorial Staff should enable THE OCCULT PRESS REVIEW to supply those who are interested in Attainment, Alchemy, Astrology, Bahaism, Buddhism, Cryptic Science, Ceremonialism, Dharma Yoga, Divination, Esoteric Teachings, Figureology, Gnosticism, Geomancy, Hatha Yoga, Healing, Initiation, Jainism, Jnana Yoga, Karma Yoga, Logic, Masonry, Magick, Mysticism, Mantra Yoga, Numerology, New Aeon Methods, New Thought, Occultism, Psychology, Palmistry, Platonic Philosophy, Qabalah, Ritualism, Raja Yoga, Rosicrucian Philosophy, Science, Spiritualism, Thelema, Theosophy, Taoism, Unity, Vegetarianism, Vedanta, The Way of Will and Wisdom, Xianity, Yoga, or Zoroastrianism, with, not alone further Light on their own systems, but with the true relation and correspondence between one and all, which leads to the Supreme Goal of UNITY and the ability to fulfill the True Will and Purpose of existence.


May the Blessing of the Most High be upon you and your Co-Editor, Brother Warnack.


Yours in the Bonds of Brotherhood,


FRATER ACHAD [Charles Stansfeld Jones].