London, England

13 October 1923

(page 9)


Perverted Bishop’s Infamous Schemes.



One of the biggest rascals in the world is once more setting his net to catch the unwary in Britain. The authorities must nip his activities in the bud.



The so-called “Bishop” Leadbeater [Charles Webster Leadbeater], the perverted person who teaches immoral practices to boys under the guise of religion, the man who has been described in a court of law as unfit to have the control of children, is expected to return from Australia to this country.


We do not want him here. We ask the authorities to look into his sinister record, and to prevent him from landing in England.


For some time past he has been trying raise money in Australia in order to build a great amphitheatre near Sydney. He is doing this in his capacity of “Protector of the Order of the Star in the East.”


This Order, which is to prepare for the Coming of the Lord, has decided that it can arrange the Second Advent at an early date, and It has therefore resolved to have this splendid amphitheatre ready so that Christ, when He comes, may have a Temple prepared ready for Him, together with the services of this perverted and so-called “Bishop.”


It is a combination of blasphemy and fanaticism. It has also, underlying it, a solid sub-structure of finance. We learn from a secret source that anybody who would like to assist in the building of this Temple can do so by cabling out a hundred pounds to “The Bishop,” in return for which a front pew will be reserved in perpetuity for the donor, and his name will also be inscribed in letters of brass on the front of the seat.


In order to gull people into subscribing for this amphitheatre, they are told that six other amphitheatres will be erected in different parts of the world, including one in London. These seven Temples are to represent the “Seven Great Rays.” We hope it is not irreverent to suggest to the “Bishop” that the project would be better described as the “Seven Great Raise.”


But, in the meantime, the people of Australia are being urged to subscribe on the ground that the Lord might come next year, and appear first of all in Sydney. The suggestion is made that if the Sydney amphitheatre is ready first, that might draw the Lord there.


We ask the pardon of our readers for quoting this offensive blasphemy, but we do it because of the financial ramp which it covers.


For the same reasons we give further details of the proposed Temples. The first is to be erected at Balmoral in one of the most beautiful spots on the gleaming sand beaches of Sydney Harbour.


In the Temple, besides a pulpit and an auditorium, there are to be broadcasting rooms, places for teas and refreshments, and all kinds of other entertainments.


It is believed that the amphitheatre may ultimately become self-supporting, a further inducement for people to put up money in case “Bishop” Leadbeater should break down in his arrangements for ordering the Second Coming.


There are also to be concerts, lectures, and eurythmic displays in the Temple, which is to cost nearly £8,000, and prospective investors are informed, with a rare stroke of financial and prophetic ability, on the authority of the Order’s solicitor, that “If the Naval Base were to come to Sydney, or if Sydney, as well as Singapore were chosen the property would go up 500 per cent.”


The investor has therefore the double security of both peace and war, of a Second Advent to be arranged by “Bishop” Leadbeater, and a Naval Advent to be wangled out of Whitehall.


It is pointed out that people who invest money can draw it out at any time with the consent of the Directorate, “if in its opinion circumstances allow.” We do not advise anybody to attach very much importance to that prospect.


In an attempt to stimulate the flow of money, we learn that helpers at present are selling their jewellery, heirlooms and handiwork, serving at evening teashops after their day’s work is done, and acting as mannequins in the fashion establishments. For all these sacrifices, “Bishop” Leadbeater is profoundly grateful. Others, it is added, exchange their nest-egg for a seat, knowing that, should it be wanted, the Directorate would do its best to release it at once.


A band of Leadbeater’s pupils are already in this Country getting in the propaganda work. We therefore urge people here to keep their boys away from Leadbeater, and their nest-eggs under lock and key.


Apart from the blasphemy of exploiting the Second Advent to raise money, we assure our readers that their nest-eggs will go west if they send them to the Order of the Star in the East.


Leadbeater, who has been described by Aleister Crowley, the drug-soaked head of the “Worshippers,” as a “a senile sexmaniac, has trained a Hindoo boy to be the New Messiah.


Has the infamous Leadbeater trained this boy to play the necessary part in the new Temples, if and when the subscribers begin to ask for their money back? We do not know. But we do know that he is an undesirable who should not exercise his blandishments here.