THE ISIS MAGAZINE Oxford University, Oxford, England 14 November 1923
Letter from Norman Mudd to the Isis Magazine.
To whom it may concern.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I am an MA of Cambridge University (Mathematical Scholar of Trinity College).
I have known Aleister Crowley for over thirteen years. He is admittedly one of the most remarkable poets and writers of the present day.
I have studied his scientific memoranda with great care, and I am satisfied that they would lead to discoveries which will furnish mankind with a new instrument of knowledge and a new method of research.
I have examined the accusations made against him by certain newspapers of a certain class, and find them without exception baseless falsehoods. I know that his ideals are noble, his honour stainless, and his life devoted wholly to the service of mankind. Having given his entire fortune to his work, he has been unable to refute publicly the calumnies of his assailants. He has found no men among those who know him, sufficiently prominent, powerful, and courageous to come forward and vindicate him before the world.
The honour of England is concerned that her greatest poet should not perish under the malice or neglect of his fellow-countrymen, as so often in history.
I shall come to London and devote myself to persuading some person or corporation of authority, wealth, or influence, to investigate the accusations against Mr. Crowley . . .
Love is the law, love under will.