Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

11 December 1923

(page 5)





The Naples police are investigating the death of a wealthy man named Baron Jacques de Ferson, who died suddenly while supping with his friend Mino Contari in the romantic island of Capri, Bay of Naples, says the “Daily Express” Paris correspondent. The two men had lived together for some years. De Fersen’s real name was Baron Jacques d’Adelsward, who was sentenced here in 1903 to six months’ imprisonment for corrupting minors. He was a disciple of the notorious Alister [sic] Crowley.


D’Adelsward’s sister, the Marchioness di Bugnano, communicated with the police, and the body of her brother, which was on its way to Rome to be cremated, was seized. A post-mortem examination will be held. Contari states that he possesses a will which bequeaths nearly all of d’Adelsward’s property to him.