London, England

14 February 1925

(page 11)






New Clues in the Elise Mendel Case.



Since last week, we unfolded the ghastly story of the missing Dutch girl. Elise Mendel, whose parents are leaving no stone unturned to find her, dead or alive, we have been given three important clues from places so far apart as Greenock and Millwall. These are being followed up and, as they suggest that the girl is still living, there is hope that she will soon be restored to her parents.


Secret of the River


This is only one of the mysteries as can be seen by the fact that when, a short time ago, the body of an unknown young girl, still in her teens, was taken by the police from the River Thames, upwards of a hundred agonised mothers made enquiries at the mortuary to see if the poor girl was their missing daughter.


Where, then, these vanished girls go? The police at Scotland Yard know that many of them are induced to houses of ill fame; others taken abroad and reduced to some of the worst forms of living, and hundreds every year drift on to the streets.


Many girls answer advertisements for positions in chiropodists’ establishments, hat-shops, as mannequins, and the like, and soon find themselves on the road to the underworld.


More Lust than Love


There is a notorious gang of immoral rascals at work to-day whose aim it is to establish a world-wide Love Cult.


The Editor of the Kilkenny Moderator recently received a suspicious advertisement for insertion in his paper. It came from Mr. T. A. Sproul, 12, Day Street, Haverhill, Mass., U.S.A., and read:


“Working girls, with references, who would marry elderly working men in U.S.A. and work in U.S.A. . . . Write Workers’ Bureau, etc., U.S.A.”


Being a reader of John Bull, the Editor sent this remarkable document to us for investigation, and communicated with the Haverhill Police. Enquiries were made, and Mr. Irving Hussey, Captain of the. Police Department of Haverhill, reports that, as far as he can gather, the man Sproul is somewhat demented, is known in the section of the city where he lives as a hermit., and that he is not a reliable person.


The Editor of the Kilkenny Moderator is not satisfied that Sproul is demented. Neither are we. We consider that the International Police should make n searching enquiry into his movements, as the dodges of the agents of the Love Cult gang are such as would even lead one of them to pretend. for the purpose of obtaining girls for the Cult, that he is insane.


Woman-Defiler in Chief


The most notorious agent of the Love Cult in America is a man named Baker. He has many aliases, and it is well-known fact that a number of his disciples have recently arrived in this country for the purpose of spreading his deadly doctrine.


There is an elusive person, in the West End of London who poses as a doctor. He has a string of aliases, and spends most of his time finding women and girls for the White Slave gang. He uses the best hotels, dines with his dupes, introduces them in the course of the evening to his various clients, and talks freely of the doctrine of “Love as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”


We warn the police that the head of this gang, the notorious Aleister Crowley, the Human Beast of all time, who has lured more erotic creatures to their doom than any other living soul, is actively negotiating for the fulfilment of his dreams, a Love Cult “Temple” in every civilised country in the world.


Although the American police threw him out of America, and the Italian police expelled him from Sicily, he was in London a few weeks ago with his agents in Chelsea and is at present directing the Operations Of his gang from Paris.


He proposes to erect a ‘”Temple of Love” in England. It will be built on those same lines as that which he is at present working on in Roseville, Sydney, New South Wales.


His agent there is Frank Bennett, of 15, Emmett Street, North Sydney. Bennett, who does not deny that he is a devotee of the Crowley doctrines, which include the most immoral forms of erotic vice, the baptism of disciples upon the forms of doped women, and a thousand things more horrible amid completely indescribable, is likely to be the high Priest of the Australian Temple.


We do not want this lascivious and pernicious propaganda preached in England. We do not want the agents of this gang to entice young girls from their homes, and to induce them by their foul methods to part from their parents for ever, swallowed up in the limbo of lost souls.