THE OCCULT DIGEST Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. December 1925 (page 37)
THE EGYPTIAN REVIVAL, or The Ever Coming Son in the Light of the Tarot, by Frater Achad. (Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum), $5.00.
When we first read Sepher Yetzirah, over forty years ago, and compared the thirty-two “Paths” there described with the “Paths” between the Ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life, and saw how they were reproduced in cabalistic books, we found so many seeming discrepancies that we gave up that study. All the authorities wanted us to go down from Kether, whereas we wanted to go up from Malkuth, and start there, to get to the Crown as soon as possible. We expected, of course, that the light (Ain Soph Aur) should meet us from above so that we could see the Path and climb the Jacob’s Ladder. Some of our friends hinted that the Tarot cards perhaps would give us the clew. But there are unfortunately different kinds of Tarot cards, with figures that seemed arbitrary and symbols pointing in wrong directions. Not having the original symbols, we did not make any attempt at connecting the Tarot and the Ten Sephiroth. But this is what Frater Achad [Charles Stansfeld Jones] now has done. His book is very interesting and ought to be read by all lovers of the occult. If they know something about the subject beforehand, they will learn much more about it. And if they do not, but are willing to learn, they will gain in knowledge by reading this book.
—J. B. |