THE OCCULT DIGEST Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. December 1925 (page 36)
In these days, meaning of course, the particularly current passages of the calendar, when the output of occult literature of more than ephemeral value seems so slight, it is gratifying indeed, to those who have a fondness for that type of opus to come across Frater Achad’s [Charles Stansfeld Jones] “The Chalice of Ecstasy.” The book purports to be a representation of the “inmost secret of PARZIVAL,” and to have been written by “A Companion of the Holy Grail.”
Undoubtedly both claims are manifest. Even those whose familiarity with the things of the Temple is largely confined to gleanings gathered up as crumbs from those who have passed the portals know the signs—and the signs are many and unmistakable in this work.
The evident sympathy of the writer for the literary and musical symbolism embodied in Wagner’s “great work” proves him a student, and his keen analysis of their spiritual and occult import stamp him as indeed “a companion of the Grail.”
Filled with profound scholarship and the wide range of familiarity with kindred philosophical systems, as would be expected of the erudite Adept, the allusions are nevertheless not beyond easy comprehension, which enhances the pleasure to be found in reading the book. It is handsomely printed and bound, and is a credit to its publishers, the Yogi Publication Society. Frater Achad is to be complimented. So are those fortunate enough to secure and read his book. |