THE DAILY NEWS Perth, Western Australia, Australia 3 March 1926 (page 7)
Many Perth people will remember and be interested to hear news of Mrs. Stella Lewis Marks, who is at present in Melbourne showing at least twenty-two of her beautiful miniatures at the New Gallery. Mrs. Marks learned her art in the National Gallery, under Mr. L. Bernard Hall and the late Fred M'Cubbin. The fine instruction they gave her is evident in these miniatures, which are not only charming, but sound in the first principles of painting. For eleven years Mrs. Marks has lived in New York City, and there has had great success. Among the miniatures on exhibition are some of people well-known to Australia, and the rest are of individuals whose names, or the names of their families, are household words in the United States.
This in itself would not necessarily mean much, but when one knows that for the Americans nothing is too good, and that they are so happily situated that they are able to avail themselves of the best the world has to offer, it means a great deal.
Her success Mrs. Marks attributes to the: National Gallery School training, and she is emphatic in saying that abroad she has not met its equal, nor encountered so thorough and enlightening an instructor as Mr. Bernard Hall.
This, of course, is shared by a number of our most successful painters, but it is always gratifying to hear it, especially from one who has made good in centres where good workmanship is an absolute requirement. |