BOOKS SOLD BY THE ORDER OF THE GEORGE SMITH BOOK COMPANY, INC. The Anderson Galleries New York City, New York, U.S.A. 16 May 1928 (page 19)
CROWLEY (ALEISTER). Autograph Manuscript of “The King of Terrors,” written on 90 pages.
4to, limp crimson morocco. In a cloth solander case.
Signed at the end in red ink in bold large characters, and dated 21.11.12. On the fly-leaf Crowley has inscribed: “To John Quinn the Ms. of my best story (so far). Christmas 1914, a tiny tribute from Aleister Crowley.” At the top of this page he has also written: “This story is printed in Equinox I. IX under the title ‘The Testament of Magdalen Blair.’ |