Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.

17 April 1929

(page 23)





Double Crossed Many Nations, Claim.



Paris, April 16—Aleister Crowley, English mystery man, who is reputed to be the head of a world wide black magic cult and who boasts of engaging in espionage activities during the war with the purpose of encouraging German submarines to sink American vessels so that America might join the allies, was today given 24 hours by the French government to leave French soil.


The sinister cabalist, whom the French finally decided is an undesirable visitor, is the center of a weird string of legends which include tales of his burning women alive and drinking the blood of tiny infants. During the war when he was supposed to be attached to the British intelligence service, he double crossed half a dozen governments so successfully that no one has ever been able to learn for certain which one he was working for. A large portion of his spying activities were carried on in America.


Admits Being Master of Magic.


Although Crowley readily admits that he was a spy and that he is a master in the practices of black magic, he declares that the stories of his wanton slaughter of women and babies is untrue.


“The expulsion order and the slanderous stories on my character do not worry me,” the magician declared from his sick bed tonight. “Magic is the sole thing in life and lifts the soul above such petty annoyances.”


As an afterthought and with a malicious twinkle in his eye, he added, “I will not leave France tomorrow.”


Sought to Involve U.S.


Although the British accuse Crowley of being in the employ of the Germans during the war, the magician declares that he was actually double crossing the Germans in order to work for England. According to his boast his main purpose was to bring the United States into the war through egging on the Germans to torpedo American vessels. He also claims the violently anti-British articles that he wrote during the war were merely intended to fool the Germans.


Among Crowley’s exploits have been a visit to Tibet, climbing of the Himalayas, and a trip on foot across China. Included in the expulsion order are his fiancée, Mme. Ferrari de Miramar [Maria de Miramar], his Nicaraguan secretary, and Israel Regardie, an American.